Showing posts with label running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

13 Cardiovascular Physiology

13 Cardiovascular Physiology Video Clips.

Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering (BENG 100) Professor Saltzman discusses the biophysics of the circulatory system. It begins by describing the anatomy of the different types of blood vessels, and notes the relationship between pressure difference (AP) as the driving force for the flow (Q) in a tube (blood vessel for example) with some resistance R (AP = RQ). R is calculated when the dimensions of the tubes (L, R) and viscosity (μ) are known: R = 8μL/πr4. Subsequently, the traces Professor Saltzmanthe flow of blood through the circulatory system and explains how the body can regulate the flow of blood to certain areas of the body. Finally, he describes the heart and its function as a generator of pressure in the system. 00:00 - 03:46 Introduction Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 15:42 The heart in the blood - Chapter 3 Blood flow and pressure 45:03 - Chapter 4 The flow of blood within the closed circuit of the complete course materials are available on the Open Yale Courses Web This course has been launched in the spring of 2008.

Keywords: blood, vessel, circulatory, system, fluid, flow, heart, pressure, viscosity

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Monday, June 13, 2011

F-16 engine running, Iraq

F-16 engine running, Iraq Tube. Duration : 2.30 Mins.

Serving in Iraq, one of our models of F-16C Block 30 was a failure of the generator. The KVA 60 (main) generator was replaced and I had to jet for OPS 'test performance. Have fun!

Keywords: Airplane, f-16, Iraq, Engine, Jet

Tags : Generator Buying Guide rv generators portable inverter generator generac generators

Sunday, June 5, 2011

running activities without charge Kapanadze 20 kW generator

running activities without charge Kapanadze 20 kW generator Video Clips. Duration : 3.67 Mins.

I found this video on youtube. It shows a self-running generator Kapanadze drives a motor and a bank of light bulbs. It was alleged that a 20 kilowatt unit of free energy. PS: Good magnets could be got here: cylinder magnet: Powerful magnets Cube Magnets magnet ball, or : magnetic cylinder with a hole in the center with radial polarization:

Keywords: Kapanadze, 20, kw, generator, selfrunning, free, energy, device, machine, overunity

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